Tuesday, 13 March 2012

RPET 2012 | Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test 2012 | RPET 2012 Exam Pattern | RPET 2012 Online Form | RPET Online Application Form 2012 | RPET Entrance Exam 2012
RPET - 2011 : Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test 2011
RPET 2012 stands for Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test. The state-level entrance examination is conducted for admission into engineering, architecture and pharmacy programs at under graduate level.

RPET 2012 Description

RPET 2012 Exam is conducted by Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan, for admission into the first year of engineering, architecture and pharmacy programs offered in various government aided and private colleges/institutes across the state. Score in Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test 2012 or Rajasthan PET is accepted by most universities in the state. However, BITS Pilani, MNIT Jaipur and a few other deemed universities do not accept RPET 2012 score, and conduct their own entrance tests for admission.

RPET 2012 Contact Details

AddressCoordinator, RPETEAP Rajasthan Technical University
Rawatbhata Road, Kota (Rajasthan) -324010
Phone0744-2473901, 2473909,
Test PeriodRajasthan Pre Entrance Test (RPET 2012) is generally held in Month of May/June
Last Year Date2nd week of June, 2011
This Year DateThird week of May 2012

RPET 2012 Conducting Body

Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test 2012 - RPET 2012 is conducted by Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan.

RPET 2012 Eligibility

B. Tech./B.E

  • The candidate should have studied physics and chemistry as compulsory subjects of study along with any one of the optional subject-Chemistry, Bio-technology, Computer Science and Biology at 10+2 level.
  • The candidates, who are waiting for their result, can also apply.

 B. Arch

  • The applicants should have passed 10+2 from a recognized Board with minimum 50% aggregate marks and mathematics as a compulsory subject of study.
  • The applicants, who have passed three years of diploma program recognized by Central/State Government with not less than 50% marks in total, are eligible.
  • The candidates, who possess International Baccalaureate Diploma, after secondary examination with minimum 50%, aggregate marks and Mathematics as a subject of examination can also apply. For candidates belonging to SC/ST category relaxation of 5% is there in aforementioned percentile of marks.

RPET 2012 Exam Pattern

  • It is a written test.
  • Its duration is three hours.
  • The test consists of three sections -physics, chemistry, mathematics.
  • Each section contains 40 objective questions with multiple options.
  • In total, the question paper carries 120 questions.
  • Each correct answer fetches the candidate one mark.
  • No negative marking is there.
  • The entrance examination will be conducted in both English and Hindi medium.

RPET 2012 Courses

  1. Bachlor of Architechture (B. Arch)
  2. Bachelor of Engineering (BE)
  3. Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm)

RPET 2012 Fees Details

The cost of RPET 2012 Application Form is Rs. 700/-. It also includes the RPET 2012 examination fees. This amount deposited for RPET 2012 is neither refundable nor transferable nor adjustable for future RPET 2012. A plea that the candidate failed to receive the information for appearing in the RPET 2012 will not be accepted as a ground for the refund of this amount or any other dues.

RPET 2012 Extra Information

Instructions for the Guidence of the candidates

  • No Supplementary answer-books will be issued. Write on each ruled line. Please do not waste pages unnecessarily.
  • Make all due entries on the cover page very carefully only at the space provided for the purpose.
  • Leave two line space after completion of answer of each question or part there of.
  • Bringing cell phone/ programmable calculator (i.e. having memory capacity of more than six numbers)/ communication devices in the examination hall is strictly prohibited. Exam conducting authority will not be responsible for the custody of such articles. However, use of scientific calculator is permitted.
  • The examination will commence as per programme of Examination to be notified later on. The doors will be opened, on the first day half an hour before and on successive days 15 minutes before the scheduled time. No candidate will be admitted after half an hour of the commencement of the examination on any day.
  • A seat with his/her roll number will be allotted to each candidate and a answer-book to write the answer will be issued in the examination hall. Candidates are required to find and occupy the seats allotted to them.
  • No candidate, without the special permission of Room Superintendent, should leave his/her seat or the examination rooms till the end of the examination.
  • During the course of examination, the candidates shall be under the discipline and control of the Centre Superintendent and shall obey all orders issued by the Superintendent in all matters relating the Examinations.
  • Urinals for use of examinees shall be provided by the centers and every examinee shall be required to use one of those urinals only.
  • Candidates should note carefully and see that the questions required to be answered in separate answer books, are answered in separate answer books. If they fail to do so, questions of only one section will be examined and those of the other section will be treated as cancelled.
  • Where candidate changes ink while he/she is answering a paper, he/she should bring this fact to the notice of the Room Superintendent on duty who will record this fact at the appropriate place and affix the Director's (Exam.) facsimile stamp with BLUE INK only.
  • Candidates should note carefully that it shall be deemed an offence amounting to cheating if they write answer to the same question more than once.
  • Candidates must write the words "The End" at the end of the last answer in their answer books.
  • No candidate should leave any blank page in between any two answers in the answer book. If a page or two is/are inadvertently left blank the letters "P.T.O." must invariably be written on that page or pages for the guidance of the examiner.
  • Candidates should not leave the Exam. Hall without handing over their answer books to the Room Superintendent.
  • Candidates are warned against writing their Roll Nos., Names, Enrolment Nos or make any other sign or mark inside their answer books. Any breach of this instruction is liable to be penalized.
  • All candidates are required to bring their own pens and to use blue ink only for answering their question papers. They should not bring any text books or notes with them in the Examination Hall.
  • Candidates are forbidden from writing answers (or anything else) on the question paper or on the admission card.
  • A candidate found guilty of use of unfair means or disorderly conduct at or in connection with the examination or violation of the preceding rules or personal approaches to the examiner concerned will be liable to sever action under the provisions, contained in Ordinance. The candidate will be supplied with a copy of the charge sheet immediately after the examination in the paper is over and asked to submit his/her written reply on the charge sheet and also to sign the material recovered from him before leaving the examination centre. The superintendent, if needed will also give him personal hearing. If the candidate refuses to give his/her statement on the spot and/or refuses to sign the material recovered or leaves the centre without giving his statement or if he/she is found guilty of showing disorderly conduct, a notice will be sent to him/her under registered cover calling upon him/her to show cause why action should not be taken against him/her for using unfair means and/or showing misconduct. Such cases will be decided by the University in absentia on the basis of the report of the room superintendent/ centre superintendent and the reply, if any, received from the candidate and no representation or protest from him/her will entertained afterwards.
  • No enquiries by telegram or post concerning results will be answered by the Registrar/ Director (Exam.). Candidates must wait for the announcement of their results in the newspaper & on the authorized web sites.
  • No guarantee is given to the candidates regarding the order of the question papers.
  • In case the original Admission Card is lost, its duplicate copy may be issued on receipt of an application through the proper channel along with a fee announced separately for the same. However, during the period of examination, the center superintendent against a fee of Rs. 25/- will issue the duplicate admission card for such cases. Such admission cards will be valid only for the day on which issued.
  • If a candidate leaves the examination hall before one hour of the termination of exam. He/she will not be allowed to take away his/her question paper. He/she should leave it with the room superintendent and can take it from him/her at the end of examination.
  • Candidates are required to answer their question paper in English only.
  • If a candidate/candidates boy-cott any paper/examination, it shall be at his/ her own risk.
  • Smoking and other intoxicants are strictly prohibited in the Examination Hall.
  • The candidates must necessarily number the questions, which he solves in the Examination Hall.
  • Complaints against question-paper if any should be submitted to the University through the Centre Superintendent concerned within 3 days from the date of the examination for the paper concerned, after which no complaint will be admitted.
  • All Court cases shall be subject to the Jurisdiction of the Rajasthan Technical University i.e. KOTA and not at any other place.

RPET 2012 Syllabus

The entrance examination includes three sections- physics, chemistry and mathematics. The syllabus is based on the topics studied by the applicant at 10+2 level.

Topics in Physics

The syllabus of physics includes Measurement and Units, Dynamics of a Particle, Dynamics of a System of Particles, Intermolecular Forces, Radiation, Wave Motion, Kinetic Theory of Gases, First Law of Thermodynamics, Nature of Light, Electrostatics, Electric Circuits, Magnetic Field, Alternating Current Circuits, Simple Harmonic Motion, Modern Physics, and Electronics.

Topics in Chemistry

The questions test the aspirant’s knowledge in the Development of Classical Model of an Atom, The Theory of Chemical Bonding, Chemical Equilibrium and Ionic Equillibria, Chemical Kinetics, The Periodic Law, Acids and Bases, Metals, s-Block Elements, and d-Block Elements.

Topics in Mathematics

The topics for Mathematics section of RPET 2012 Exam are Algebra, Matrices, Trigonometry, Calculus, Vectors, Co-ordinate Geometry, and Probability.

RPET 2012 Dates

These are important dates for Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test (RPET) 2011

  • Date of issue of Application Forms
    23rd March, 2011
  • Last date of submission of Application Forms
    10th April, 2011
  • RPET exam date
    20th May, 2011

RPET 2012 Related Information

RPET 2012 - Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test 2012 | RPET 2012 Eligibiltiy Criteria | RPET 2012 Dates | RPET 2012 Application Procedure | RPET 2012 Admissions | RPET 2012 Fess | RPET 2012 Colleges | RPET 2012 Exam Centers | RPET 2012 Online Form | RPET 2012 Dates | RPET 2012 Preparation Tips | RPET 2012 Notifications | RPET 2012 Question Papers | RPET 2012 Sample Papers | RPET 2012 Model Question Papers | RPET 2012 Study Material | RPET 2012 Results | RPET 2012 Exam Results | RPET 2012 Exam Schedule | RPET 2012 Paper Schedule | RPET 2012 in India | RPET 2012 Application Form | RPET 2012 Syllabus | RPET 2012 Details | RPET 2012 Exam Details | RPET 2012 Question Papers with Answers | RPET 2012 Question Bank | RPET 2012 Mock Test | RPET 2012 Answer Keys | RPET 2012 Timings | RPET 2012 Exam Duration | List of colleges accepting RPET 2012 score
RPET 2012, Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test 2012, RPET 2012 Exam Pattern, RPET 2012 Online Form, RPET Online Application Form  2012, RPET Entrance Exam 2012,


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