Monday 11 July 2011


1. Indian National Congress formed in 1885 during the Governor –General ship of?
Lord Dufferin

2. First Woman president of Indian National Congress?
Annie Besant (1917)

3. Who was the first Muslim president of Indian National Congress
Badruddin Tyabjee

4. Indian National Congress held its first session in 1885 at?
Gokul Das Tejpal Sanskrit College, Bombay

5. What does the Saffron colour in our National Flag stand for?
Renunciation (Sacrifice)

6. The first session of Indian National Congress was held under the presidentship of?

7. When did the First war of Independence start?

1857 May 10
8. When was the Quit India movement started?

1942 August 8 at Bombay
9. Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?

A.O.Hume(Allan Octavian Hume)
10. Who said ”Swaraj is my birth right and I must have it”?
Bal Gangadhar Tilak

11. Jalianwala Bagh Massacre took place in the city of?

Amritsar, April 13, 1919

12. Mahatma Gandhi was referred to as the “Father of the Nation” first by?
Subhash Chandra Bose

13. Who composed the famous patriotic song “Sare Jahamse Acha”?

Mohammed Iqbal

14. When was the Dandi March started?

March 12, 1930

15. Who commented “The Cripps Mission was a post dated cheque drawn on a crashing bank?

Mahatma Gandhi

16. A resolution asking complete independence (“Poorna Swaraj") for India was moved at which session of Indian National Congress?
Lahore session (1929) under the presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru

17. Who was the president of Indian National Congress at the time of Indian Independence?
Acharya Kripalani

18. Who was the president of Indian National Congress at the time of Gandhi-Irwin pact in Mar 5, 1931?

Jawaharlal Nehru
19. Which was the summer capital of India during the British rule?
20. “Vanar Sena” which participated in freedom struggle of India was led by?
Indira Gandhi
21. Simon commission came to India in?

22. First Round Table Conference held in England in ?

1930. Second in 1931, third in 1932

23. First Indian Woman president of Indian National Congress?
Sarojini Naidu(1925)

24. The Indian National Congress split into two groups; extremists and
moderates, at the Surat session in the year ?
Extremists were led by Bal, Pal, Lal while the moderates by G.K.Gokhale.

25. In the year 1919, the British Government passed a new rule under which the Government had the authority and power to arrest people and keep them in prisons without any trial if they are suspected with the charge of terrorism. Which is that rule?

Rowlatt Act

26. Who started the Hindustan Socialist republican Association in 1928?

Chandra Sekhar Asad
27. Who represented Indian National Congress in the second round table conference in 1931?
Mahatma Gandhi

28. The national leader of India who participated in all of the three round table conferences?

29. Who is the founder of Forward Block formed in 1939?

Subhash Chandra Bose

30. Subhash Chandra Bose was referred to as the “Nethaji” first by?

Mahatma Gandhi

31. Indian Independence Act passed in the British Parliament in?

1947 July 1

32. Cabinet Mission came to India in the year?


33. India’s National Anthem “Janaganamana” first sung in?

1911 December 27 at Calcutta session of Indian National Congress

34. India’s National Song “Vandematharam” first sung in?

1896 at Calcutta

35. Gandhiji was referred to as the “Mahatma” first by?
Ravindra Nath Tagore

36. Prime minister of Britain when India got Independence?

Clement Attlee (Labor Party)

37. Who was the leader of Bardoli Satyagrah of 1928?

Sardar Vallabhai Patel

38. How many followers of Gandhiji participated in Dandi March?

39. Chauri Chaura massacre took place in?
1922 in Utharpradesh
40. Gandhiji became the president of Indian National Congress in?

1924 at the Belgaum session of Indian National Congress

41. First elected president of Indian National Congress?
Subhash Chandra Bose (1939)

42. First foreign president of Indian National Congress?
George Yule

43. How many members participated in the first meeting of Indian National Congress?

44. Which was the most decisive war that marked the initiation of British rule in India?

Battle of Plassey
The battle occurred on June 23, 1757 at Palashi of Murshidabad, on the bank of Bhagirathi River

45. Who is known as the Heroine of Quit India Movement ?
Aruna Asaf Ali

46. The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms introduced by the British Government in India to introduce self-governing institutions gradually to India in the year?

47. In which year, Indian National Congress celebrated Independence Day for the fist time?
1930 January 26

48. Who set up the Swaraj Party in 1922?

C.R.Das and Moti Lal Nehru

49. Who presided over congress sessions three times?

Dada Bhai Naoroji

50. At which place did the British Government arrest Gandhiji for sedition for the first time?



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