When it comes to online advertising Google Adsense, undoubtably is the leader. If you follow their guidelines and TOS you can make good money from Adsense. Most of the blogs and sites depend on Google Adsense for revenue. But not all webmasters and publishers are happy with Adsense and are constantly looking for alternate sources for revenue. Sometimes Google just bans a publisher account for click fraud or not adhering to their policy or take away their earnings citing invalid clicks. And no further explanations are given. As a publisher or a blogger you have to look for alternate revnue sources, even if you are holding an Adsense account. There are many ad programs that you can run along with Adsense ads.
Google will not release payments unless you reach the minimum payout of $100, which may take a small blogger or publisher ages to reach. Recent news about Adsense cutting payments to publishers are another concern for small publishers. There are other ad networks with much lower minimum payouts that they can try.
Making money online
Many people have found success without using Adsense. John Chow made $23,448.59 in October, 2007 without a penny from Adsense. All of his earnings are from private ad sales, affiliate commissions, ReviewMe, Text Link Ads, Kontera, TTZ Media, subscriptions and ShoppingAds. Everton at Connected Internet made $15,179 during the same period out of which only $4,904 came from Google Adsense.
It might be intersting for bloggers from India to know that Thilak at TechBuzz made $3061.30 in April 2007 without using Adsense(this data is currently not available as the blog is revamped now). For the webmasters who are either not accepted into the AdSense program, or do not want to use Adsense ads, these Google Adsense alternatives will be worth having a look. The list contains more than 180 adsense alternative sources which contains everything from CPM, CPA, CPL, CPC, Shopping networks, Contextual ad programs and affiliate networks.
Entries with asterisk next to are already reviewed. Clicking on them will take you to the review page. Others in the list also will be reviewed and posted here soon. At present clicking on them will take you to the respective programs.
[If you run an ad network or affiliate network please add your company in the comments section, and I will add it to the list. Please do not post comments with affiliate links in them]
Google Adsense Alternative
Google Adsense Alternatives
- Absolute Agency (absoluteagency.com)
- ad pepper media(adpepper.com)
- AdBrite *
- Adconian (adconion.com)
- AdDynamix (addynamix.com)
- ADEngage (adengage.com)
- AdFish (adfish.com)
- Adgenta QAds (qads.qumana.com)
- adgridwork (adgridwork.com)
- Adicate (adicate.com)
- Adify (adify.com)
- AdJungle (adjungle.com)
- Adknowledge *
- AdlandPro (adlandpro.com)
- Adlink Media (adlinkmedia.co.uk/)
- AdMentum (fastsearch.com)
- AdMob (admob.com)
- AdOrigin (adorigin.com)
- Adperk (adperk.com)
- Ads-Click (ads-click.com)
- ADSDAQ Ad Exchange (exchange.contextweb.com)
- adsmarket (adsmarket.com)
- AdSmart (adsmart.net)
- adtechnica (adtechnica.com)
- Adtegrity (adtegrity.com)
- AdToll (.adtoll.com)
- Advertising.com (advertising.com)
- Advertlets (advertlets.com)
- AdVolcano *
- AffiliateFuel (affiliatefuel.com)
- AffiliateFuture (affiliatefuture.com)
- Agendize (agendize.com)
- AmaSensAds (amasenseads.com)
- Amazon
- Ampira Media (ampiramedia.com)
- Anastasia International (4affiliate.net)
- Auction Ads *
- AVN Ads *
- Axill (axill.com)
- AzoogleAds (azoogleads.com)
- Bannerconnect (bannerconnect.net)
- BannerSpace (bannerspace.com)
- BardzoMedia (bardzomedia.com)
- BClick (bclick.com)
- Bidvertiser (bidvertiser.com)
- Bla.st (bla.st)
- Black Label Ads *
- BlinkAccess (blinkaccess.com)
- BlogAds (web.blogads.com)
- BlogKits (blogkits.com)
- BlueLithium (bluelithium.com)
- BurstMedia *
- BusinessLinked (businesslinked.com)
- buyat (buy.at)
- Casale Media (casalemedia.com)
- CBprosense (cbprosense.net)
- Chitika *
- Claxon *
- Click2Sell (click2sell.eu)
- ClickBank (clickbank.com)
- Clickbooth (clickbooth.com)
- Clickhype (clickhype.com)
- Clicksor *
- clickXchange (clickxchange.com)
- clixGalore (clixgalore.com)
- CNet Shopper (shopper.cnet.com)
- Commission Junction (cj.com)
- Commission Monster (commissionmonster.com.au)
- Copernic Media (mammamediasolutions.com)
- CoverClicks (coverclicks.com)
- CPX Interactive (cpxinteractive.com)
- CrispAds (crispads.com)
- CyberBounty (cyberbounty.com)
- DarkBlue (darkblue.com)
- Dragon Media Online (dragonmediaonline.com)
- easyAd (easyad.info)
- eBay AdContext
- eClickZ (eclickz.com)
- Enhance Interactive (enhance.com)
- Enikos (enikos.com)
- eType Europe (etype-europe.com)
- eType USA (etypeusa.com)
- exoClick (exoclick.com)
- ExpoActive (expoactive.com)
- Federated Media (federatedmedia.net)
- FindItQuick (findit-quick.com/2affiliate.html)
- FineClicks (fineclicks.com)
- FluxAds (fluxads.com)
- Gokita (gokita.com)
- Gorilla Nation (gorillanation.com)
- Her Agency (heragency.com)
- HispanoClick (hispanoclick.com)
- Hyperbidder (hyperbidder.com)
- IncentaClick*
- IndustryBrains (industrybrains.com)
- infolinks (infolinks.com)
- InterClick (interclick.com)
- Integri (intergi.com)
- Interevco (interevco.com)
- JoeTec (joetec.net)
- Komli (komli.com)
- Kanoodle (kanoodle.com)
- Kontera *
- Kowabunga! (kowabunga.com)
- LinkBliss (linkbliss.com)
- LinkLike (linklike.com)
- LinkShareAds *
- LinkWorth (linkworth.com)
- MaxBounty (maxbounty.com)
- MetaReward (metareward.com)
- Microsoft adCenter (adcenter.microsoft.com)
- Mirago *
- MIVA *
- MochiAds (mochiads.com)
- Money4Banners (money4banners.co.uk)
- MoreNiche (moreniche.com)
- MVAV Media (mvav.com)
- NeverblueAds (neverblueads.com)
- Nixxie *
- Nuffnang (nuffnang.com)
- OMG (uk.omgpm.com/network)
- OneMonkey (onemonkey.com)
- Opt-Media (opt-media.com)
- Oridian *
- Oxado *
- PayDotCom (paydotcom.com)
- PayPerPost (payperpost.com)
- PayPopUp (paypopup.com)
- Pepperjam (pepperjamnetwork.com)
- PerformancingAds (performancingads.com)
- Pheedo (pheedo.com)
- Phorm (phorm.com)
- PointRoll (pointroll.com)
- PopUpTraffic (popuptraffic.com)
- Premium Network (premiumnetwork.com)
- PrimaryAds (primaryads.com)
- ProfitCenter (profitcenternetwork.com)
- Project Wonderful (projectwonderful.com)
- PubMatic (pubmatic.com)
- Pulse 360 (pulse360.com)
- QuinStreet (quinstreet.com)
- Real Media *
- RealCast Media (realcastmedia.com)
- RealTechNetwork (realtechnetwork.com)
- Revenue Science (revenuescience.com)
- Revenue.net (revenue.net)
- RevenuePILOT *
- ReviewMe (reviewme.com)
- RevoClix (revoclix.com)
- Right Media Exchange (rightmedia.com)
- Robert Sherman Company (robertsherman.com)
- ROI Rocket (roirocket.com)
- Searchfeed (searchfeed.com)
- Shareasale (shareasale.com)
- Shopping.com (shopping.com)
- SpeedyAds (entireweb.com/speedyads)
- Sponsored Reviews (sponsoredreviews.com)
- Strategic Affiliates (strategicaffiliates.com)
- Text Link Ads (text-link-ads.com)
- Textads Dot Biz (textads.biz)
- TextWise (textwise.com)
- TNX.Net (tnx.net)
- Trade Doubler (tradedoubler.com)
- Traffic Marketplace (trafficmp.com)
- Tremor Media (tremormedia.com)
- Tribal Fusion *
- TTZMedia (ttzmedia.com)
- ValidClick *
- ValueAd (valuead.com)
- ValueClick Media *
- Veoda (veoda.com)
- Vibrant Media (vibrantmedia.com)
- Vizu Polls (vizu.com)
- WayPointCash (waypointcash.com)
- Web Advertising (webadvertising.ca)
- WebSponsors (websponsors.com)
- WhenU (whenu.com)
- WidgetBucks (widgetbucks.com)
- Yahoo Publisher Network *
- YesAdvertising (yesadvertising.com)

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