Sunday, 9 October 2011

Current GK Q: When was Indian Calender adopted officially?
March 22,1957.
*Bangaram Beach is in Lakshadweep.
*Wandoor Beach located in Andaman &Nicobar.

Q:In which country World's largest Iron ore deposits are located?
*Victoria Falls r in Zambia
*Angel Falls-Venezuela

Q:In Which province Muslim League formed their 1st government after 1946 elections?
*Buxa Tiger Reserve Located in:
West Bengal

Attorney General of India:
Goolam Vahanvati.
Solicitor General of India:
Rohinton Nariman.
Additional Solicitor General of India:

Q:'Shaking Palsy' is another name of which disease?
Parkinson's diseas.
*Pellagra is also called:
4D syndrome.

Golaknath VS Punjab case(1967)-Judge Koka Subbarao
Keshavanantha Bharathi VS Kerala(1973)_SM Sikri
MinervaMills VS GOI(1980) YV Chandrachud

Central Bureau of Investigation-1953
*Intelligence Bureau-1920[Prevoiusly Central Special Branch(CSB)-1887]
*Nationl Security Guards(NSG)-1984?

Chattisgrh-Full of Surprise
HP-Perpect Host
WB-Complete Destination
J&K-Paradise on Earth
UP-Amezing Heritage,Grand Experience

Q:Which blood protein regulates the amount of water in plasma?
*What was the original name of Chenghis khan?

Kelkar Committee Oppointed on 3 issues:
1.First Committee on Backward Castes
2.Direct - Indirect Taxes
3.Enpuiry on Kargil defence deals.

Q: Who has been conferred the 44th Jnanapith Award recently?
Akhalaq Mahmmed Khan Shahryar (Urdu poet).

Q: Who has been named as the honorary ambassador for the 2014 World Cup(Brazil)?
*Laila Lopes from Angola was crowned 60th Miss Universe.

Q: Who was known as 'Babar of British India'?
Robert Clive.
*First Indian-owned newspaper "The Crescent"
(Founder-Gazulu Lakshminarasu Chetty).

Q: Which places are connected by the Adam's bridge?
Dhanushkodi (India) &
Talaimannar (Srilanka).
*The Pacific Ocean was so named by:

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